About the Parasailing In Goa :
If you dream of flying like a bird and soak up the beauty of the coastline of Goa, then parasailing is the ideal sport for you to indulge in. Parasailing is yet another much sought after sport in Goa. It is also known as Para Ascending. This sport requires essentially a parachute and a boat. All eager high fliers and adventure seekers can select parasailing. Parasailing in Goa is a stimulating experience. Tourists take pleasure in this sport immensely. Most government and non-government organizations arrange training for parasailing in Goa at a reasonable rate for tourists.
Para sailing involves attaching a rope, about 300 feet long to the parasail harness at one end and the other end to the speedboat. As the speedboat speeds off into the ocean, the sailor is heaved up in the air. The sailor is firmly attached to the rope and thus has little or no control over the parachute. The speedboat reins control of the momentum and height and the person flying the parasail controls the parasail sideways. While para sailing, one can take pleasure in the vision of the clear blue-sky and the stunningly beautiful aquamarine water below.
The best season for enjoying and making the most out of your experience is from the months of October to May. It is the ideal season as the skies are cloudless and brilliantly blue and the water remains calm and placid. The popular beaches that offer para sailing are Condolim Beach, Majorda Beach, Anjuna Beach, and Baga Beach.